
Black Cloth Diapering Week: February 21st to February 27th
World Doula Week: March 22nd to March 28th
Black Maternal Healthcare Week: April 11th to April 17th
Black Baby wearing Week: June 13th to June 19th
Black Maternal Mental Health Week: July 19th to July 25th
Black Breastfeeding Week: August 22nd to August 28th

Community Awareness
Black Mothers In Power is focused on building awareness about Black maternal healthcare throughout the state. We have hosted listening sessions and workshops designed to engage the community's voice in telling their maternal stories, focusing on specific issues within reproductive rights issues.
We seek to understand the intersectionality of being a Black birthing person by examining the reproductive health care of Black birthing persons who identify with the following groups:
Differently-able, Experiencing homelessness, HIV/AIDS, Domestic violence survivors, Sexual abuse survivors, LGBTQIA, Incarceration, Immigrant, Teen, Afro-Latin, Addiction, and more! Learn more about our Events & Trainings coming up here.
Community Organizing
Black Mothers In Power centers on the experiences, stories, and perspectives of Black women. We are looking to shift our community's power to have control to make informed decisions about our lives. We are a grassroots and member-led organization of community members, leaders, organizers, and activists joining together to bring real, sustainable change to our state. Learn more about our legislative and regulatory reform efforts here.
Community Programming
Black Mothers In Power believes that Black women can find solutions and solve issues that most deeply impact us. Our programs focus on empowering Black families in the community through many initiatives focusing on decreasing maternal disparities and addressing the social determinant of health and inequities faced by Black Women. Learn more about our community programming here.